Sunday, October 17, 2010

Once upon a time...

There was a Greek lizard. It lived on a bright white balcony, not too far from the coast, and spent its days climbing the stucco walls of the house or soaking up the sun. Sometimes other lizards scurried across the warm pavement from nearby houses, and they would sit companionably on the flat rooftops and watch the world below. In the evenings, the bugs came out along with the stars, so the lizards would pick out the different constellations during dinner. They had to be careful of the bats that came swooping through the night, but beyond that, life was sweet, and very contented.

As the years went on, the lizard grew old, and soon spent less time wandering and more time relaxing. It spent the mornings sleeping under the geraniums on the balcony, and the afternoons sitting with friends. And each evening was one more hello to night and goodbye to day. Since one rarely knows which lizard is which, and how old they grow, no one thinks of endings and goodbyes. Instead, the lizards could be said to live on and on like the stars, and watch over the little Greek houses.

The End

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