Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Once upon a time...

There was a fat baby.
A very fat baby.
A very very fat baby.

He was so fat that he had wrinkles inside the wrinkles on his arms, and folds on top of the folds on his legs. But he was so cute and so cheerful that no one even thought to suggest he go on a diet or do something about his appearance. He eventually, naturally, got older, and while he did slim down a little, there were no compliments or psychological transition in his relationships. Instead, total strangers continued to coo silly things to him and once the stewardesses on the airplane whisked him away from his mother so they could enjoy playing with him, and possibly even show the pilot. The mother, who was a little surprised, was still a calm sort of person who knew that her small person would be returned by the end of the flight. And so he was, covered in lipstick kisses and with what looked like chocolate smears on his mouth. As everyone knows, babies should not eat too much chocolate, but he was getting to an almost older age when it was safe. In any case, he suffered no permanent damage from the chocolate (or the kisses or temporary kidnapping) and carried on quite happily with life. On that particular trip, indeed, there were photos taken of him with any number of beautiful women, who left their respective kiss marks and/or affectionate pinches on his cheeks.

When he got old enough to grow out of the baby fat, he was informed that, rather than being unique in his adorable obesity, his sister had also charmed strangers and endured sweet affliction (and chocolate). Both children, indeed, were to be congratulated that they do not to this day bear permanent stretch or red marks on their well-used cheeks. Both continue to frequent airplanes, but there have been no bribes or temporary kidnappings reported. And while neither sibling has yet found a spouse and married, the world surely awaits with anticipation the day when more fat cheerful babies appear to lighten mundane life and attract the adoration of the masses.

The End

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