Thursday, May 08, 2008

She had a pink hibiscus on her shoulder by her ear
It caught my glance because tattoos aren't common around here
I asked her why she had it
And she grinned without surprise
Then rubbed half off with a blue-nailed finger
And laughed with green-rimmed eyes

Why not take a chance, she asked?
What else are colours for?
If they're not used to paint your life
What do you save them for?

-random jotting from today

Monday, May 05, 2008

Old Town

Spent yesterday wandering the old town... honestly, I'd have enjoyed it more if I wasn't *living* here. And if there had been more people around- anywhere in the world, there would have been more people out enjoying the sunshine and breeze. Even on a Sunday afternoon. Especially on a Sunday afternoon.