Sunday, November 09, 2008


Third weekend arrived... so glad for it to be here :) This week was really challenging, and not in a concrete, this-is-what-you-need-to-work-on way, either. To be honest, I'm finding it increasingly hard to sit in class and listen to the theoreticals of cpm, etc., and to know that 'real' life for me starts after class when I can study language, play sports, or pick others' brains about overseas and what God's been teaching them. I did really enjoy the days of hearing stories and insights from the field, especially ones who were in support staff positions....

Polish is going well.... Exercise... mostly just walking and running around campus, but there's been some good volleyball going on, and - w00t w00t - some of the new people headed to Europe later play good volleyball too! "See you in April!" is becoming a definite watchword around here. As far as 'telling the story', that's mostly just been in good conversations with friends here, but I did share yesterday online with an Iranian friend for about half an hour. I never thought I'd get this comfortable with saying, "I hear you, and I value our friendship, but this is what I believe, no hedging." Reading through Acts and hearing how bold the 'sent ones' were is really working on me. Our small group is still amazing- so many great stories and perspectives during the discussions.

Prayer needs... mostly just that I'd be able to focus on who God is and what He has for me, here and now. Was a little rebuked by what one of the Xtreme leaders said- "This is not just preparation for the journey - this *is* part of the journey. Make the most of it."

Peace and grace out!
Lee G

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