Once upon a time...
There was a sleepy dragon. This dragon was so sleepy, it could barely keep its eyes open. But it knew it had to find a warm place to sleep or it would get chilled. Since it was a very small dragon, about the size of your hand, it only needed a small space. The problem was that, since it was so small, it was very easily stepped on or knocked over (once it took a nap in a visitor's purse and got dropped when they stood up to go).
So the very sleepy dragon started ambling through the house in search of a cosy place. It dodged around a counter, almost walked into a chair, and narrowly escaped being hit by a swinging door. Hrrr'ing in annoyance, the dragon finally gave up and began climbing the wall. Digging its little claws in, it went paw by paw up until it reached the ceiling, then climbed onto that. Although the ceiling looked so safe from the busy traffic floor, the dragon realised that there were things to be careful of while up top too. There was a ceiling fan in the living room, and door frames to climb over, and spider webs to avoid. For a moment, it felt a warmth by its feet, and felt hopeful... but then realised there were light bulbs warming a small bit of the ceiling, and there was no place to curl up by them.
So on and on the poor little dragon travelled, though by this time it was so very tired that it kept tripping and almost fell up into the air. But finally, finally, the dragon sensed some warmth nearby and tumbled gratefully onto the top of a cupboard, right next to a delicious hot air vent. Safe from feet and hands, comfy and warm... it was the perfect place for a nap. The dragon sighed contentedly, closed its eyes, and curled up with its tail around cosily till it could rest its head on the tippy point. Then it gave a huge yawn from its tiny mouth and went to sleep in peace.
The end.
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