Monday, December 06, 2010

Once upon a time...

A baby was born. There were already hints of sea blue eyes and sand yellow hair and sparkly adventures, but for the moment she was simply a beautiful small child.

And the fairies that hung around her cradle on the evening of her first half-birthday discussed what to do with her. "Let's steal her!" suggested one mischievous imp. "She'll take care of our children when she grows up and sing them songs." "I think she should cook for us," said one practical fairy, "and then we'll have more time for magic."
"Take a better look at her," said one fairy, very very quietly. One and then several at a time, the fairies and pixies leaned over her and took a good long look at her. "Oh," they nodded and backed away carefully, "oh."

"Yes," said the quiet one. "This is a dangerous one. She has the Story Magic."

The fairies agreed among themselves that stealing a human child with Story Magic would be a very bad idea and a very grave mistake. "But why?" wondered a young pixie who had slipped in behind the older ones. "Why is that so bad? We love stories. She could tell them to our babies, and amuse our children while they spin cobwebs, and spin tales by the campfire. We have Story Magic ourselves. She would fit in."

The older and wiser fairies murmured in disagreement. One wrinkly small lady shook her light green head seriously. "No, that will not do. You see, a human's Story Magic is stronger than ours. Our stories- we bind and weave, colour and glamour, twist and darken and lighten what is there. But human stories have the power to change things, to shift and shape reality into something else." She gestured with a tiny hand to the wide-eyed baby, "this one, we should keep an eye on. She has many stories ahead of her...."

As the sun began to rise, the fairies started to pick up their leafy packs and head back to the woods. The quiet fairy, the one who had warned them against stealing the baby, waited till the others drifted out the foggy window. Then she wafted back to lean over the bed. "Sweet dreams, little one. It is glad I am that you won't be serving our kind. But all the same... you are welcome to visit our world when it pleases you, small Story Spinner."

With that, she blew a dusting of silver powder over the baby, who only smiled and closed her eyes.

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