Thursday, April 24, 2008

No language homework today... yet. Might still happen, might not. I've been pretty good about it, especially considering there's no one to make me or even really care. Which is encouraging when I wonder how I'll do when I get overseas. To be sure, I could be travelling so much I won't be sent to language school, but I'd still want to do well whatever country I lived in,and I absolutely hate being an obvious foreigner. In Holland, I didn't care if I stood out, as long as it was for the right reasons- height, sports passion, multilingualness.... And some accent was okay, especially when they said I sounded more British or Canadian than American :P But not to stand out as an awkward, 'visibly unassimilated' outsider. And I don't really see that changing. Which means extra study here and now. *shrugs*

I'm a little curious as to whether some of the recent tax law changes in europe and friends leaving are going to mean any changes in leadership or timing... is there *any* chance I could make my way over before next year? I realised today, while out on a run, that I've still got a footlocker or two in storage over there, wondering how I'm going to get it out. Or if, you know, I even really need it anytime soon. Was reading about Rebekah at the well (Genesis 24) yesterday- I never caught the speed of the story before. She saw the situation as God's hand on her, and left her home for the future in about 24 hrs. I've read that story several times before, and yet I'm at an age and place where God could very easily send me out as well. And would I be as graceful about it? For the adventure, definitely! In full trust in God and His timing in the surprise invitation- that would be harder. And could I make ready and be gone in 24 hours? She probably had servants, lol, but it's still a good challenge. Should we ever be to the point where we couldn't leave everything behind in 24 hours to follow God's call?

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